Best Paint Color & Decor Ideas

on 10/08/2017 - 09:29 am

Best Paint Color & Decor Ideas:

RED - encourages appetite - Best for restaurants - evokes a sense of urgency - Best for liquidations/clearances or Shop Now CTA's

YELLOW - encourages communication - Best for service industries - shows warmth, very inviting - Best for retail window displays

BLUE - perceived as trustworthy, increases productivity - Best for corporate business - provides a sense of calm, tranquility - Best for airlines and medical practices

PURPLE - represents wealth, wisdom, and respect - Best for beauty and anti-aging products - for the creative and imaginative minds - Best for "outside the box" brands and for the Tween market

ORANGE - reflects enthusiasm; happiest color of the wheel - Best for impulse buying platforms & good for CTA's

GREEN - associated with health, nature, and peace - Best for environmentally-friendly companies - creates a calming effect - Best for retail and service outlets     

PINK - represents femininity and youth, general good health - Best for youthful and fashion brands

BLACK - authoritative and powerful; luxurious - Best for art, music and fashion brands


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