Read specific topics of interest, News and Events.

Top 10 Most Beautiful Places In The World

on 10/19/2017 - 08:37 am

Top 10 Most Beautiful Places In The World
1. Taj Mahal, India
2. Macchu Pichu, Peru

3. The Great Wall of China, China
4. The Great Barrier Reef, Australia
5. Cairo, Egypt
6. Mount Fuji, Japan
7. Venice, Italy
8. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
9. Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
10. Grand Canyon, USA

7 Days To Home Organization

on 10/17/2017 - 10:56 am

Get Organized in 7 Days

Monday-Motivation - Go through drawers, closets, and desk for items you don't use anymore.  

Task-It Tuesday - Designate areas, boxes, containers or drawers with labels and file away!

Win-Win Wednesday - Throw, Recycle or Give things Away!

To-Do-List Thursday - Create Schedules, To-Do Lists, and Checklists for the week, month, year ahead  

Follow-Friday - Delegate Tasks to All Family members and/or Colleagues

Saturday-Style - Wardrobe Clean Up: Organize by Seasons and/or by Color

Social-Sunday - Digital Clean Up Erase Emails, Unscubscribe to Newsletters and Platforms, Empty Trash

What We Eat is What We Become

on 10/16/2017 - 08:45 am

What We Eat is What We Become...
1. Home Cooking - If the cook is happy so will the energy of the food

2. Leave the Attitude at the Door - Eating when in a negative state affects the metabolism of the food
3. Go Organic - Growing your own food connects you to your food, along with Mother Earth.

4. Be Grateful - When we are appreciative of the food we are eating, our body will thank you as well

5. Eat Mindfully - Eat slowly and with intention, you will soon be able to fully enjoy every bite you take.

Be Mindfull Now

on 10/15/2017 - 09:53 am

Be Mindful Now
1. Breathe In, Breathe Out - Feel the flow of the breath
2. Pay attention to all your Senses - for ex; notice the taste, texture of food.

3. Empty the Mind - Take a few moments to be still
4. As soon as the Mind wanders, bring it back to your Breath
5. Practice Non-Judgemental Listening
6. Be Aware of every Daily Activity (driving, texting, cleaning, etc..)
7. Go Outdoors - Walk Around in Nature
8. Forgive Yourself for every Negative Thought
9. Be Grateful - Say Thank You to Nature, People, and Things.
10. Go Easy on Yourself - with time, you will see the progress!